Fred Zimmer
Fred Zimmer is the founder and owner of Baltic News Network GmbH.
He is involved in Internet- and Information technology since the early 90s of last century.
Fred Zimmer runs Perlogis Consulting - a business consultancy based in Brunn am Gebirge, Austria.
Fred Zimmer's Medienconsulting provides Internet hosting, database programming, search engine optimization, video production and web design.
Being cofounder of Presslounge - an online media clipping service - brought Fred Zimmer in close contact to online news publishing.
Fred Zimmer is a hobby pastry chef and runs his private websites at fred.zimmer.name and vanillekipferl.com where you can find interesting austrian and international recepies.
In Fred Zimmer's Vinarium portal you have access to information about 14.000 wineries worldwide - plus their wine products.